Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Calls for submissions

A new anthology “Humanagerie” is looking for “poetry and short fiction on the theme of animals” till May 31.

Eibonvale Press will be open for submissions for a new anthology edited by Allen Ashley and Sarah Doyle. “Humanagerie” will showcase both poetry and short fiction on the theme of animals. The book will not be about animals as such, but will instead be inspired by the characteristics that animals possess, and the points at which these intersect with – and manifest in – humanity. It will also be based on the strange and beautiful adjectives used to describe such traits, such as: Aquiline – eagle Chelonian – tortoise or turtle Leporine – hare Ostracine – oyster Pieridine / Pierine – butterfly Vespine – wasp / hornet

and many many more. You will find a much larger list in the guidelines.

We are interested in shifting states, in scenarios that explore duality, hybridity, and liminality. We are asking writers to consider how animalistic attributes might manifest in the human psyche – or vice versa. We want hints of scales, tails, fur and fins… gills, claws, paws and spines… glimpses of horns, tusks, teeth and tongues… stalking, slinking, slithering and stomping… roars, whimpers, howls and song. We want breath, heat, musk. We want landscapes ranging from urban wastelands to frozen tundra, from bedsits to coastlines, from suburbia to savannah – and the imagined worlds between. We want water and we want fish out of water. We want the visceral and the vulnerable, the slippery and the synaesthetic, emergence and extinction.

The submissions window will run from March 1st until May 31st 2018. The word limits are up to 60 lines for poetry and 4,000 words for fiction.

See guidelines here for more details: https://eibonvale.wordpress.com/2018/02/04/opening-for-a-new-anthology-humanagerie-edited-by-allen-ashley-and-sarah-doyle/

EDIT: I just noticed that the guidelines state, “Please note also that we are not looking for mermaid/selkie stories or vampire bat or straightforward werewolf/were-creature narratives. We are also not looking for “Furry” stories.” (emphasis mine) So I guess “Fox in Starbucks” type furry stuff must not be their thing. Check out the guidelines to get an idea of what exactly they’re looking for.

Tor.com Publishing is briefly opening to unsolicited novella submissions starting May 1! This is a major mainstream fantasy/sci-fi publisher. See guidelines. https://www.tor.com/2018/04/17/tor-com-publishing-opening-to-novella-submissions-on-may-1/ I wish I had something ready for this. But it looks like they will open to submissions again in July.

Hey, another one! NonBinary Review is looking for subs directly related to The Wind in the Willows, which is apparently in the public domain now. Fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, visual art. Polish up that fan fiction you wrote about Mole and Rat’s riverbank! Deadline July 24. See guidelines. https://nonbinaryreview.submittable.com/submit/107375/nbr-18-the-wind-in-the-willows I am really excited about this one. One of my favorite books! :slight_smile:

Oh, nice one! Thanks!

Dark/horror call:


wow… that’s different. I just happen to have a story rejected from a Halloween anthology that might do the trick. Thanks.

Beat me to it! LOL I just saw that one last night but couldn’t post about it until today. Looks like it could be fun for us horror types…

For any of those people who don’t follow the accounts on Twitter:

So there’s the other thread that says it, but we’ve opened a second publishing imprint: Fanged Fiction. Goal Publications will focus on YA-friendly titles (not necessarily YA, but titles that can be read by a YA crowd), and Fanged Fiction will focus on adults-only titles, meaning erotica and titles that deal with darker subjects.

Also, both imprints are now accepting works for standalone publication starting at 15k words, up to 140k words. This means that those stories written for anthologies that ended up too long to fit into the anthology may have a new home. https://goalpublications.com/submissions-guidelines.html

Jaffa Books will be temporarily re-opening for new novel and novella submissions for August http://www.jaffabooks.com.au/submission-details/
Should be permanently re-opening for submissions early next year.

The ROBOT DINOSAURS anthology is open for two weeks for flash (between 750 and 1200 words) about robot dinosaurs. Deadline August 15. Payment $60 USD. Guidelines here: https://robotdinosaurfiction.com/about/submissions/

This looks like a fun market, not a paying one, but definitely a small word count and a great challenge. 42 word micro fiction in one of 42 categories. They’re taking 42 stories in each category and your bio has to be 42 words. Titles recommended 42 characters. :smiley:

That does look cool - and plenty of options that could be furry!

Here is the site of a new publisher, Kyanite Publishing, looking for submissions:

They already have a novel by Stephen Coghlan from furry fandom.

“Our submissions are open, but only for speculative fiction and with an estimated release date of 2020, as 2019 is booked. We accept anything with scifi, fantasy, or supernatural elements. If you know anyone that writes such things, please don’t hesitate to share us with them. We’re always on the lookout for reviewers, proofreaders, and editors as well.

“We can be emailed directly via info@kyanitepublishing.com.

Moonlight: A Queer Werewolf Anthology: https://moonlightanthology.tumblr.com/submission

Caveat: short story authors won’t get paid until/unless the project’s Kickstarter is successful, and that’s not scheduled until next year.

It may be getting a bit late now, but Belanger Books are looking for submissions (due Feb 15) for an anthology of stories inspired by HG Wells:

Possibly some of the furry writers here have some ideas which could become a continuation of Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau.

A Murder of Crows

A Murder of Crows—cozy to cozy-noir crime stories, set in any time, from dinosaurs to the present, using the collective names of groups of animals which includes mammals, reptiles, fish, birds, and insects. If your imagination goes beyond the scope of known collective names, you may create your own. Earth animals/birds only, none from outer space or invented animals. You can put your animals in jeopardy but animal cruelty or killing an animal is an automatic rejection. Choosing an animal/bird that is a little different may give you an edge on being chosen. We don’t want multiple stories using the same species! Your animals should be an integral part of the crime, not just a mention as part of the story.

Submission Period: December 17th – April 30, 2019


FurReality in Cincinnati is putting together an anthology. The topic is Lost In Time, whatever that means to you. Be creative. Here are the details and the signup form.


I don’t think this has been mentioned yet: the next issue of Werewolves Versus will be Werewolves Versus: The Circus. Submissions close on May 15th.

Prose and poetry entries are welcome, but please be aware that the emphasis for this issue is artwork.

Rick Griffin (of HousePets! fame) is looking for furry stories and artwork to put in a new anthology.

Fiction pays 0.5¢/word. Submissions close 10/15/2019.

Guidelines: http://geroo.space/b/index.php?title=Anthology1

I love this universe! Thank you so much for sharing here. :slight_smile: