Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Further Confusion 2019 - writing panels & panelists request!

Yes, it’s time for San Jose’s furry convention, Further Confusion!


Here are the writing track panels that I have so far, not counting a couple “one-fur shows.” Most of these need other panelists, so I’d like to throw this out to all of you: if you’re coming to the con, what are you interested in? I’m looking for three or four panelists per event (more than four gets unwieldy in my experience), so most of these should get at least two more participants.

Here are the proposed panels with the participants who are already on them:

Beta-Reading for Beginners - Brandy

Rogues, Scalawags, and Evil Overlords - Kyell, Pen

Adult Furry Writing - Kyell

Furry Writers’ Guild Meet & Greet - Chipotle

Furry and the “Other” - Jakebe

Clarifying Your Life for Writing - Jakebe

The Art of Self-Editing - Chipotle

There are four other panels not listed here, so we actually have room for a couple more panels if people have ones to propose.

I’m emailing the panelists who are already attending directly (with a couple possible past attendees ranging from “likely” to “remote”), but I don’t know how may of you might be attending and potentially interested. So drop me a reply here, or ping on Telegram or Slack!

Hmm… Maybe a panel on how to write characters out of various problems and concerns? I’ve seen panels that are all about how to get your protagonist both into and out of situations that may have a drastic turn in the plot, tone and/or pace of the story. Usually this has also helped on getting out of a writer’s block funk (which I suppose can also be its own panel.)