Furry Writers' Guild Forum

Furry Weekend Atlanta 2017

Furry Weekend Atlanta is April 6-9th this year. http://www.furryweekend.com/

I am coordinating the Writing section of Programming. Welcome feedback, ideas, people attending willing to be in panels.

Panel slots are still available as we have more room this year than in years past. We are in a new section of the Marriott Marquis with more and larger rooms. ;D

If you are interested in running a panel at FWA 2017, applications are now open. http://goo.gl/bFJCN6

Is someone interested in doing a Furry Writers Guild Panel or if there is interest in having an FWG meet and greet?

See Y’all Soon ;D


Furry Weekend Atlanta Panel applications close on February 19th. There are few slots left for writing panels. If you are interested in running a panel at FWA 2017, applications are now open. http://goo.gl/bFJCN6

Really expect to be the best FWA con for writing in a number of years. Thanks to Mwalimu and Makyo for suggestions.

A taste of the tentative panel list includes:

Do’s and dont’s of fantasy writing
Cover design
Getting your writing noticed
technology for writers
Action scenes
world building
Culture and history
Erotic writing

and there is more that I am still finalizing.

And so you know …

It’s your last chance to take advantage of Early Bird Pricing! Save on your 2017 registration by purchasing your membership before February 19th and get ready to Game On!

Say HI when you get here.

Jelliqal Belle

Furry Weekend Atlanta is April 6-9th this year. http://www.furryweekend.com/

FWA has its game on this year. (Pun intended as theme is GAME ON) The Programming Coordinator has been working double time to make a knockout program this year - nearly 100 Panels across 4 days.

Have 18 Panels on writing and affiliated creative topics like marketing and brand identity. ;D I need two of me so I can be everywhere. :stuck_out_tongue:
The FWA Con APP is live and available for download.

Best Selling Author Jonathan French is speaking about fantasy writing and the self-publishing market. He is also sharing tips on how to write breathtaking fight scenes.

Thurston Howl of Howl Publishing is giving editing tips and discussing traditional publishing.

Rob Baird will be discussing world building from the terrain’s impact POV while NightEyes address how culture and history add depth.

Searska Grey Raven will discuss character development and, as far as I can determine, this is the first year of having women panelist in writing at FWA so very happy she is joining us.

Joe Strike will introduce us to his upcoming non-fiction book about the history of the fur community.

Caudle will be sharing the freelancer experience and marketing tips. Oh, and I will be covering resources and technology for writers.

Hope to see you there,

Jelliqal Belle

writing facilitator for FWA